Chaos and Kanji is the blog where I write about my adventures through Japan!

Want Lists are located here. NPB Baseball Want List is located here.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The 1000th Post Spectacular!

Perhaps the title oversells this post a bit. Yes, this is my 1000th post on TCIC! The first 500 were "easy", written in my first year of blogging. I had lots of free time then! Over the past two-plus years I've been quite busy with job and travel in Japan. Though, I'm very happy to say that since the start of 2014, I've been posting every day.
When you post every day, milestones can come quick. Although I guess post 2000 won't show up until some time in 2016 or 2017 - 1000 days from now is March 13, 2017. (Thanks, Siri.) And that assumes one post per day, not missing any days or returning to posting twice a day.

So, what to do to commemorate my 1000th post? I could just do business as usual and show a few (or a ton of) cards, or talk about my collection and how it's changed, or something like that.

Well, things have changed. Of course, over three years, things change. When I started this blog, I would have never believed I'd be living in Japan. I didn't even think this would last. I seem to jump ship pretty often with abandoned websites and projects. Big dreams, over-reaching ambitions. You know. But somehow this has worked, and despite long breaks I've essentially stuck with it.
Yesterday, I learned that one of my childhood heroes passed away. I already wrote my tribute to Tony Gwynn, but it's still a bit of a shock. But they say that with every ending there is a new beginning, and I was inspired to search for one of my former students. I discovered that he is now playing in pro baseball and so far doing quite well! I'll have more on him in the future. And hopefully a lot more on him in the next 1000 posts.
And something a bit more fun to lift your spirits.

I thought I would share some statistics from my blog for these first 1000 posts. Maybe you'll find them interesting; if you do a little searching you can compare them to an earlier milestone post.

As of the time of this writing, almost a day before the post goes live, I have 118,771 page views. Whatever that means. My most popular post is this one, a Blog Bat Around with over 1000 hits - about 1% of my total page views (about ten times what it should be, on average). Rounding out the top five are two trade posts, a post on 2008 Donruss Americana, and a post on the Conlon Collection.

Other than Google, it should be no surprise that the Night Owl brings the most referring visitors. Everybody reads his blog, because, well, it's the best. And after that, pretty close behind, is the Sports Card Blogroll. Then, there's Japanese Baseball Cards, Crinkly Wrappers, Nachos Grande, and Cards from the Quarry. Oh, and some link farm called Vampirestat. Thanks, everyone, for making me a part of your blog roll or linking to me on your site!

What about search keywords? Jackie Mitchell leads the list, followed by "english plug" and "virginia hey".

Who reads my blog? US residents, by far. But also in the top 10 are (in order): Russia, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Japan, UK, Taiwan, France, and China. Russia and Ukraine I don't really understand, but okay. Thanks for reading, everyone!

What browsers do you use: 29% use IE, 27% Firefox, and 22% Chrome. Safari users have 11% of page views. 71% of you use Windows computers, 9% use Mac, 9% use Linux, about 6% use iPhone, iPad, or iPhone. And 1% on Android.

In 1000 posts, I've accumulated about 1800 comments. A large percentage of those are mine, of course.
So, those are the stats Blogger provides through the interface. As always, thank you for reading and commenting! I hope you all in the States continue to find my blog interesting, even when it is mostly Japanese baseball and idol cards!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Keep writing on your blog, I'm enjoying the posts.

  2. Congratulations! I've enjoyed whatever percentage of the 1000 posts that I've read... Now I just need to catch up on my backlog of "Chaos & Kanji"...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well done, sir! It has been an enjoyable 1000 (let's just assume I've read them all and say no more about that)! The on-going tour of Japan, Korea and Taiwan via the magic of amusement parks, has been a blast.

    At my current pace, I won't hit 1000 posts until about 2034. Hopefully by that time, you'll be posting about all the new cards covering the Korea/Taiwan/Japan Super Asia League.

    If your referrals look anything like mine, those Russian and Ukrainian hits are usually those stupid placeholder search engines. I think they just aggregate content from other sites in an effort to generate traffic for themselves.

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying my posts and I really appreciate your input and corrections. In some ways I should probably be posting less often, with greater substance, especially here.

      I'm quite sure many of my hits on some of my posts, and those strange origins as well are from robots. I know this blog has been copied.

  5. Congratulations on post 1000 and here's to 1000 more!

  6. Congrats on post #1,000. Hmm by the time you reach post 2,000 I might be round out to post 500 and maybe almost 100 followers (right now I have 86 supposedly, seems more like maybe a dozen)

    1. I realized long ago that follower count and page views only really matter if I'm trying to turn a profit. It's nice to know people like my blogs, but in the end I don't see a dime and I'm just writing what I want.

      And with the demise of Google Reader, being a follower has lost meaning for me. I use Feedly now, so I don't really show up in anyone's follower count and I don't think they get page views when I read their posts. And I'm sure there are others doing the same with my blog.

  7. Congratulations on your 1,000th post.
