Chaos and Kanji is the blog where I write about my adventures through Japan!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Pack" Busting: Evangelion "W" Seal Postcards

I have no idea what the W means. But from the katakana at the top, it seems to indicate "double seal(sticker) postcard".
 Finding inexpensive non-sport card lots and packs is hit-or-miss, but I do "hit" a good number of fun items from time to time. The postcards below came in packs of five, with a set complete at 25. You can see one of the postcards in the pack, and from what I can tell there are five unique packs - you can build a full set without duplicates pretty easily just by grabbing five packs with different visible cards. As postcards, they are sized appropriately.

All of the cards are presented below. The fronts frequently have multiple stickers. The last scan at the bottom is the back of a postcard. And the scan at the top of this post is the "header" card found in all packs. I don't have scans of the postcards themselves, hidden under the stickers. But you can see the images above which make up the 25 different postcard fronts.

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